Reduce the risk in using ladders

Window Cleaning off ladder Camberwell

It’s likely that this week someone in Britain will die from an accident with a ladder, and more than a hundred will be injured. Most of these accidents occur during household maintenance and DIY, by following some advice many of these risks can be cut down or even avoided. Here are a few examples.

Before you start you should ask yourself:

Am I up to the task?

If you are in any doubt at all it is better to seek professional help.

Is the ladder up to the task?

It may be that for the type of work that you are considering that scaffolding or other access equipment will be better suited to the task at hand.

To avoid many common accidents make sure that you :

1. Get the correct ladder.

It is important that the ladder that you use is the right height for the job If the ladder is too short you will have to overstretch, if too long then you might have to put it at a dangerous angle. .The ladder that you use should meet the required British standards: BS 2037 (Aluminium) BS 1129 (Wood). All ladders have a load capacity.Make sure that your weight plus that of the tools does not exceed the limit of the ladder you are to use.

2. Inspect your ladder carefully.

Do not use a ladder that is rickety or damaged, if you notice that this is the case do not attempt to repair it have it destroyed.Wooden ladders contract in the cold and expand in the heat, so check that the rungs are still firmly riveted, and have not rotten, also look out for any cracks. Check the screws that fasten the rungs on metal ladders as well as the rungs themselves to see that they are fastened and have not been damaged by rust. Carry out any repair work and make replacements as soon as they are noticed. Before each use of the ladders remove dirt that may have accumulated in the l grooves.

3. Position the ladder correctly.

Place your ladder on a level, solid surface.The ladder should never lean sideways but should be placed at an angle of 75 degrees from the floor.

4. Provide support at the top and at the base.

Be careful where you put the top of the ladder. Make sure that the top surface against which the ladder rests is stable and nonslip. Never rest the ladder on glass or plastic such as guttering. When possible, tie it securely to a fixture, with the top rising about 1m above the top point of the landing.Take particular care that when you initially climb the ladder, you tie it at the top.If the ground slopes away from the building, place something heavy like a sand bag at the base of the ladder or tie a lower to a fixture. If the ground is uneven but solid, use a wedge to get a level base. Provide wooden board to make a firm base if the ground is soft or of loose material.If you use a stepladder make sure that all four steps are firmly on the ground.

5. Check your shoes.

Flat shoe are appropriate footwear for climbing ladders. Before you climb make sure that the sole of your shoes are dry. Remove anything like mud that might make you slip.

6. Carry things carefully.

If possible carry tools in a holder that is attached to a belt so as to leave hands free for climbing.Be deliberate and methodical, and do not rush. Remember that even a small screw driver can cause injury when dropped from height.

7. Check your state of health.

Do not climb if you are on medication, feel sick or nauseated or if you suffer from vertigo.

8. Be considerate of others.

If you are working in a public place, make the ladder easily visible, and if you have to move a ladder around a corner, be aware that others will not be expecting this. Shout a friendly warning, and check to see if the way is clear.If you have to go away and you have been unable to tie the ladder securely, get someone to stand guard, or lay the ladder down safely until you return.

9. Climb safely.

Always face the ladder when ascending or descending. When on the ladder avoid overreaching by making sure that your belt buckle (navel) stays within the stiles and keep both feet on the same rungs throughout the task.Always have three points of contact with the ladder two feet one hand.Never climb a ladder in strong winds. Do not stand or sit on the top three rungs of  ladder.

10. Do not overstretch.

When you extend your arms and legs while working up high, you may make the ladder unstable. Avoid dangerous overreaching. Move the ladder often to keep it close to your work.



Window cleaning on the ninth floor in SE10

Today Spick & Span went down to the millennium village in Greenwich SE10., and cleaned the windows of a Luxurious 9th floor Penthouse flat. The Penthouse, that was high-up on the 9th floor of this smart apartment block. consisted of  an office space as well as two bedrooms. a kitchen,and balcony area.

The owner of this property had had many problems with the window cleaning of this property. He had attempted to clean the windows himself without success, and had been refused by a number of professional window cleaning companies in the area .Eventually the homeowner came across Spick & Span window cleaners through the internet.

This proved to be one of the most complex window cleaning jobs that Spick & Span have ever encountered.The  reason for this is that the ceilings of this building were very high, and a long ladder could not be transported in the lift.The windows within the main living and office area were floor-to ceiling glazed panels,approximately 14ft. , with a mezzanine floor. The high windows had  wooden intersections separating many of the panes at the top of the room making cleaning very awkward. These very tall windows had to be cleaned on the outside also. But the very narrow balcony outside the room had a metal grated floor, which meant that a water-fed pole could not used, because water would leak through the grating  to the apartments below. The only method that could used to clean the windows of this building in Greenwich was traditional window cleaning methods. Clearly  the buildings architect had not taken into the consideration some of the difficulties that would be encountered in cleaning these windows. By employing a 3.5m. telescopic window cleaning pole Spick & Span were able to clean the windows to a good standard.

The compensation that Spick & Span received for this extremely difficult window cleaning Job in Greenwich was the delight and relief it brought to the resident of this apartment to and the satisfaction he showed in having clean windows ,also from this height the view of the river Thames was simply breath-taking! The boats that sailed along it looked the size of match boxes. In the nearby distance the Canary Wharf tower could be seen as could the stadia that are being prepared for the Olympic games which are to be held in London in 2012.This reminds us of why being a window cleaner in south east London, although can     be a challenge at times can also be so much fun!