Window Cleaning in Cadogan Square, SW1

Window Cleaning SW1 Cadogan SquareToday Spick & Span Window Cleaners did some work on behalf of a PA who had been tasked with the job of  organising the window  cleaning of a 3 bedroom duplex property in Cadogan Square, London SW1.

Cadogan Square is in Knightsbridge and gets its name from the Earl of Cadogan. It is one of the most sought after areas to own a property. It is also one of the most expensive residential part of London.

This property which has just recently been acquired by the boss of the PA that booked us, is to be rented to tenants by the end of the week, hence the urgency of the booking.

This beautiful red-brick period property was like a rabbit warren within, containing numerous passages leading in to rooms that contained windows of various shapes and sizes.

The windows in the main living area were tall, perhaps 5 metres in height. On the lower floor, which essentially was a basement, there were three bedrooms. The master bedroom windows were difficult to access from inside as there were boxes that blocked the windows, but these were careful moved by the team before the cleaning commenced.

According to the PA , the personal cleaner had attempted to wash some of the internal windows herself but because it was too tricky had left smears and streaks, much to the chagrin of the tenant for whom this cleaning work had been undertaken.

All three bedrooms had outside courtyards, which meant that they could be cleaned from outside fairly easily, however it was necessary that specialised window cleaning equipment be used to reach the tall windows internally and to clean effectively the first floor windows externally.

Spick & Span window cleaners have experience in cleaning windows in exclusive neighbourhoods in London and have the tools to clean windows that many domestic cleaners may struggle to clean effectively.

Needless to say this PA, who’s used our services previously, was also on this occasion not left disappointed. In fact she is keen for us to  come to  clean the windows at  another property in the area that she manages on behalf of her boss.