Roof light window cleaner in Streatham Hill

Roof Light StreathamToday Spick & Span window cleaners were called out to clean the windows of a 6 bedroom period property in Streatham Hill on behalf of a Landlord who lives overseas.
In cleaning the 6 bedroom property in Streatham Hill, Spick & Span window cleaners had to work around a number of contractors including gardeners and painter and decorators.
Spick & Span window cleaners were required to clean the windows inside and out.
Starting on the inside of the property the window cleaner used dust sheets to protect the interior carpet and furnishings.
The equipment used for this job comprised of a step ladder, bucket with window cleaning tools, extension pole dust sheets, and a portable window cleaning trolley.
The window cleaning took a little over 3 hours to complete.
The property was set over 3 floors. In the attic were two large sky lights, which were cleaned. On the first floor there was a very large roof light that had become rather grubby and moss covered, which desperately needed window cleaning. The ground floor had some large Tri-folding doors that needed window cleaning as the paving outside hade recently been jet washed and left stains on the windows.
All of the windows on the top floor of the property were cleaned inside and out from inside the property, as the sash windows all opened and closed, however the sash windows on the first floor were sealed shut, and so could not be cleaned externally from inside. All of the first floor windows were cleaned externally using a reach and wash window cleaning system, which uses purified water to clean the glass. The windows were left sparkling and clean ready for the new tenants to move into the house.

Light-Well window cleaner in Chelsea

Resized Light well Window Cleaning ChelseaWith so many properties in the borough of Kensington and Chelsea having basement excavation work done, builders dust has become the ‘order of the day, and also the Bain of many homeowners in and around the Chelsea area.
Spick & Span window cleaners were invited to clean the windows of a property in Chelsea today that had undergone extensive renovation work, including the excavation work, to facilitate a very large basement extension. The builders who were responsible for undertaking the excavation of the Chelsea property had removed tons of ground soil from this home, but had not cleaned the dust that had settled on the windows after the completion of the job, much to the home owners chagrin.
Window Cleaning at Chelsea Gardens outside resizedSpick & Span were delighted to step in and clear up the mess as part of a Chelsea window cleaner service, not only did this smarten up the home, but it also brought to a conclusion a chapter in home owners life, that had not been a very pleasant one.
The windows of this end of terrace Victorian home comprised mainly of leaded light windows, however there was also Floor to ceiling glass in the basement areas as well as glass sheets and roof lights in and around the recently installed light well. There were also large French style glass doors attached to a garage/ study area.
This is now the 5th time that Spick & Span window cleaners have worked near to the King’s Road area of Chelsea side of Chelsea for clients who were desperate to use reliable, trustworthy and professional window cleaners in Chelsea. In many of these instances the glass that has been cleaned has included difficult to reach glass such as glass roofs, conservatories, light wells and other types of glass extensions.
Experience has taught us always for the need to come well – equipped when window cleaning in Chelsea. For instance lime scale can be a common problem on windows especially after major building work has been completed. Spick & Span came equipped with a lime scale remover that left the glass completely shiny and clean.
Chelsea Lime Scale removal resizedFor the very high up windows the reach- up- and wash pole method of window cleaning was used, but for lower windows conventional methods were employed.
In total the work took around 5 hours to complete, as Spick & Span’s Chelsea window cleaner service has emphasis placed more on the quality of the finish, and time is less of a consideration. The aim as always to give the client 100 percent customer satisfaction. To ensure this is the case Spick & Span insist that an inspection of all windows be carried out by a staff member and be signed off by either the client by their representative.
Spick & Span get a thrill from bringing a smile to the clients face when they carry out the Chelsea window cleaner service.

How to clean windows like a pro – the traditional way

How to clean windows like a pro – yourself

Households across the country are feeling the pinch due to the recession. Many households just don’t have the disposable income that they once had. High house prices and student tuition fees mean that we are all looking for ways to save a bob or two.

With a little bit of know-how you can reduce your window cleaning bill by around a third by cleaning the inside windows yourself. By all means you will need to expend a bit of effort, something that not many of us want to do, but the results can be pleasing, especially when we look at the piggy bank at the end the end of the year.

By following a few simple steps this brief guide will have you cleaning windows as good as the guy you see down the road. You know – the one who seems like he’s been cleaning windows – since the Victorian age.

What equipment do I need to clean windows like a professional?

First of all throw away that manky bottle that you’ve got in the cupboard under the kitchen sink! I know it promises to make your windows sparkle, to remove the grime and take the strain out of cleaning but the truth of the matter is it aint gonna work. If you choose to use it you will wipe and wipe and wipe until your arms ache with pain and what will you get for all your efforts? Tennis elbow! You’ll have a smudgy mess, and wish that you paid the window cleaner in the first place. If you look at your window cleaner, if you can see him through your windows, you may even see him chuckle. So please take my advice, and don’t, whatever you do, use the dodgy chemical that the harp on about on the TV ads.
Can I just say at this point also, please, please, please, please, please, if you are going to use a ladder do so responsibly, and if you are pregnant, get the other half to do the work for you.
Statistical ladders often mean accidents. What’s the defininition of an accident, I’ll leave you to check on google.
Now that that’s out of the way we can get down to the nitty-gritty. How can we clean windows like a professional – the traditional way?
In the olden days before all this high-tech-stuff was around what did the old window cleaners used to use? Like the one in the photo above, No, don’t say  “vinegar and newspaper” who wants their house smelling like a fish and chip shop?-P00! Hold your nose . Any takers? I didn’t think so. No, not vinegar, but plain old H2O, it’s not rocket science really , just water and little secret ingredient, well at least it was until now, shhhhh! don’t tell anyone I told you, washing up liquid, “Is that it” I hear you say, “yes, that’s it”, water and a little washing up liquid, “surely there must be something else”, you say, and yes, you’d be right, but this is the recipe that will, hands down, beat all those chemicals that appear on the adverts-where the grime disappears with the waving of a wand -and if you believe that you believe anything! Believe me, try it and you will see, it worked in the past, when traditional window cleaners got up at the crack of dawn and charged a shilling per house, and it still works now.
Now that we’ve intoduced the cleaning agent, next the tools.
Go down to your nearest pound shop, “did I say pound shop” “yes that’s right, you wanted to save money didn’t you.” Go down to you nearest pound shop, if you have one near where you live, if not a hardware store, and buy yourself some micro-fibre cloths, you will need at least two, these cloths achieve results as good as that grey cloth that traditional window cleaners used, which was called a scrim.

How to clean windows like a pro

Now to the part that requires all the effort, the part none of us really like. Here’s what you do, after you’ve put on your marrigolds (yellow, or pink it doesn’t matter) : take one of the special cloths that you got from the pound shop earlier.
Soak the cloth in the water that has the ‘secret solution’ in. After its has soaked wring it out until it is only slighly moist and wipe the window pane in a circular or side to side manner ensuring that you get into the corners. Then take the dry cloth, which is why you need at least two, and repeat the process that you carried out with the moist cloth, drying the pane completely. Repeat this process on all windows that are to be cleaned and smile and enjoy the view outside, and smile at the window cleaner while you’re at it! Why not, after all you’ve begun window cleaning like a pro- traditional style.

Why not drop me a line and tell me how it went.

How to clean windows that are very high up and difficult to access

It is important that before ever you undertake any window cleaning project, where the windows are high up and difficult to access, that you seek to follow safe working practices.

Falls from height and slips and trips are still one of the most common causes for death in the work place. ( Even though the mortality rate for window cleaning and other work at height is so high,  few us take heed which is seen by us when we witness tradesmen and others around us taking high stake risks. Often it is non- professionals that the most vulnerable, the un-enlightened as these have not been trained to identify the risks.

The following is not meant to be a fully comprehensive list but provides just few bits of information that we hope will be prove useful for you if you or cleaning staff decide to clean difficult windows yourself.

 What not to do:

  1. If you or your domestic cleaners attempt to clean the hard to reach windows do not take any uneccessary risks.
  2. It is important that you avoid leaning excessively out of windows, and that you avoid using ladders or other tools that are damaged in any way.
  3. If you are pregnant it may best that you avoid this kind of work.
  4. Never stand on glass roofs or roof tiles without seeking guidance from manufacturer.

What you should do:

  1. Before commencement of work evaluate and take steps to minimize risks. You can find an example of a risk assessment here:
  2. Use appropriate PPE. such as gloves and harnesses where necessary.
  3. Use specialized tools for reaching difficult windows such as telescopic poles.
  4. If windows can be cleaned from inside, do so, as this will be safer, but use tools that can be attached to chains to prevent them from falling on to people walking below. Also use harnesses where possible.
  5. Think about employing professional window cleaners. This can save you time and often ensure better results.


Spick & Span’s professional hard to reach window cleaning service

Spick & Span window cleaners use best practice window cleaning techniques to reach windows that are high up and difficult to reach. Spick & Span window cleaners will always access the risk of each job before starting. Each property that Spick & Span window cleaners visit is unique and poses it’s own individual challenges, however Spick & Span have built up over 7 years of window cleaning experience in London. Spick & Span have experience in cleaning the windows of Georgian, Edwardian, and Victorian properties many of which have undergone renovation and modernisation with dormer and/or kitchen extensions.Spick & Span can clean roof lights and Velux skylight glass that in nested into high ceilings.

Tools that we use to reach difficult windows

Advantage of Reach WashSpick & Span have specialized window cleaning telescopic poles that enable us to reach windows upto 57ft without needing to enter a property. These tools enable us to clean windows above kitchen extensions, conservatories and other obtacles that prevent the use of a ladder. This window cleaning equipment leaves windows spotlessly clean.

The advange of this equipment is that it is very safe to use and windows that previously were uncleanable can now be cleaned.


Trustworthy window cleaner service in Battersea

Window cleaning a three storey building with a 35ft carbon fibre poleToday Spick & Span window cleaners went down to Battersea to clean the windows of a semi-detached 4 bedroom Victorian property, in a tree lined street in Battersea, SW11, which had Sash windows, French doors and Velux windows. The windows of this Battersea property hadn’t been cleaned in the last 3 years,which was the time when it came into the current owners possession.

Spick & Span arrived on site 5 minutes early, just in time to meet the householder before she left to go to work.

The window cleaner was not previously informed that he would be left unattended during the work, but no doubt because of having heard of positive comments from others who have taken out the service, the homeowner, who although was a first-time client, felt comfortable enough to leave the window cleaner unattended with a set of house keys and the code for alarm. Before leaving the property she instructed the window cleaner how to set the alarm which he did before he left.

In all the window cleaning took around 5 hours to complete. Spick & Span window cleaners were hired for the day to clean all the windows on the inside and outside. The client was particularly eager to have the velux windows in the dormer extention cleaned as they were very grubby indeed.

Spick & Span window cleaners started to clean the windows from outside the house first. We used a 35ft carbon fibre pole to reach the third storey windows of the dormer. All the external windows of the house were thoroughly scrubbed and then rinsed with water that has had all it’s contaminants removed. This water which has been purified through reverse osmosis attracts dirt like a magnet. It was necessarry that all external windows were thoroughly cleaned more than once in some places because there was a considerable amount of dust on the windows which was the remnants of past building work.

While cleaning within the property great care was taken to avoid spilling any water. This was especially important here because all of the carpets within the home were a light beige colour and so would’ve shown up any water marks that had spilled. As a precautionary measure, and to prevent the carpets from getting soiled the window cleaner on location used dust sheets below any areas of cleaning. Tall windows were accessed and cleaned from a large step ladder which was carefully transported around the home.

When the homeowner returned home from work she was delighted to see the transformation that the window cleaning had made. She was particular impressed that her trust Spick & Span window cleaner had not been misplaced and the top windows of her home were shiny and clean. She Battersea window cleaner service that she had received.

She also promised to contact us again.

Spick & Span window cleaners of English heritage building in SW3

Blue Plaque chelsea window cleanerSpick & Span window cleaners went out to Chelsea SW3 today to clean the windows of a property that had in the past been the home of a very notable Chelsea resident. The properties illustrious past has been marked by the English heritage society with a prestigious blue plaque.

This period property in Oakley Street,Chelsea SW3, that Spick & Span window cleaners attended, had windows that were very dirty and that had not been cleaned for many years. As result of the neglect the windows were thick with dirt and smog which was firmly attached to the wooden frames as well as the window’s surrounds.

Spick & Span window cleaners were thrilled to be asked to clean the windows of this very historic and prestigious buildingin Chelsea, and relished the opportunity to show what a difference professional window cleaning can make.

Spick & Span window cleaners used a jet wash waterfed pole and brush system, which was used to agitated the dirt on the glass and the to rinse them clean. Not only were the glass window panes cleaned this way, but also the stonework surrounds and wooden cross beams.

The difference that the window cleaning made to the appearance of the property was astonishing. The properties outside appearance is attractive again and makes a neat impression on the street.

In all this Chelsea window cleaning project took less that 60 minutes to complete, but the results should last for many months to come.

Clare – who employed the Spick & Span window cleaners to come to Chelsea  remarked that  she was grateful  for what she described as “an incredible job.”

SW1 Office Glass Partition window cleaner

Today Spick & Span window cleaners did office window cleaning in London’s Waterloo Place, close to Pall Mall, in St James’s, Westminster, London, SW1, after a price was agreed on for Spick & Span to do window cleaning there.
The quote to clean the windows of the SW1 office was accurate because the receptionist who requested the quote form Spick & SPan window cleaners was first asked to send photos.The window cleaning quote was to be for the internal window cleaning of some panes of  glass partitions located on the 4th floor of an office building in St. James’s, SW1.

Spick & Span window cleaners who provide professional office window cleaning for offices and residential properties in Sw1 were called just 2 days prior to the booking, but were able to respond quickly to SW1 window cleaner request, Spick & Span window cleaners are office glass partition window cleaners close to SW1, being based very near to SW1 the area.

Upon arrival at the the office in SW1, Spick & Span window cleaners were greeted by a friendly receptionist who directed the SW1 office window cleaner to a lift and then up to the office on the 4th floor, where staff from the investment company were waiting. Span & Span window cleaners safely and carefully transported the window cleaning equipment up where the window cleaning was to start.
The window cleaning that was required in SW1 was that all the internal glass partitions in the SW1 office were to be window cleaned. It was especially important that great care be taken during the office window cleaning process as there were staff busy at work in the offices.
Spick & Span window cleaners took due window cleaning safety precautions,by using signs and dustsheets in all areas of window cleaning. Some of the office windows were obstructed by paintings and furniture which was carefully moved to prevent them from getting damaged, great care was also taken near to computers and electrical sockets and wires to prevent them from getting .

Many of the glass partitions were smeary and had finger prints on. Some were just very dusty, but the cleaning chemical and the window cleaning tools that were used wiped them away, and the results of window cleaning was visibly different.

The person responsible for the booking was very impressed with the results of the office window cleaning and with the service that Spick & Span had provided.

SW11 Window Cleaner

Today Spick & Span window cleaners were booked to go down to Clapham SW11 to provide a Clapham window cleaner service on a 3 bedroom property situated in Roseneath Road, Clapham. The owner of this SW11 property wanted a window cleaner who provides window cleaning services in the SW11 area, because the windows were too difficult for her to clean by herself and she is also very limited with her time. Spick & Span window cleaners who provide window cleaning in Clapham were more than happy to provide her with window cleaner services.
The windows of this attractive 4 storey Clapham house in Roseneath Road, Clapham, were window cleaned on the inside and the outside . The windows of this building, as is the case of many of the windows that Spick and Span window cleaners clean when they work in the Clapham area were very high up making it necessary to use window cleaning extension poles rather than a conventional window cleaners ladder. The type of windows that were window cleaned in this SW11 property were all wooden framed windows, there were casement windows and there was also a set of French doors and bi-fold doors windows that were cleaned. The Sw11 window cleaner cleaned windows that were of different shapes and sizes, most having two glass panels. There was also a pyramid shaped roof-light window above the kitchen that was also washed.
The windows of this Sw11 property that needed a window cleaner were very dirty, some windows had the appearance of  not being window cleaned for some  time. Some of the windows were window cleaned from the ground using long extension window cleaner poles, but other windows were cleaned from the balconies and by reaching out of the Sw11 property, whilst window cleaning inside.
The window cleaner who was assigned this window cleaning task needed to provide a very professional window cleaner service in SW11. Thorough window cleaning of this Clapham property was achieved by using professional window cleaning cloths, mops,chemicals and rinsing equipment. The window cleaner who cleaned this Sw11 home also made sure that he removed his shoes when walking through this property to ensure that he did not make a mess within the home. This SW11 window cleaner also went over any marks that were left on the windows with a micro-fibre cloth so as to remove water stains.
At the conclusion of the job the homeowner requested a tri-annual window cleaner service and was thoroughly impressed with difference that the Clapham window cleaner had made.
The window cleaning in Sw11  in all  took around 3 hours to complete from start to finish.

Pimlico Window Cleaner

Today Spick & Span window cleaners were booked to go down to Pimlico SW1V to provide a Pimlico window cleaner service on a 3 bedroom property situated in Westmoreland Terrace, Pimlico.
The owner of this Pimlico property wanted a window cleaner who provides window cleaning services in the Pimlico area, because as a busy working professional she is limited with her time.
Spick & Span window cleaners who provide window cleaning in Pimlico were advised to coordinate the Pimlico window cleaning through the home owners friend, who was the point of contact on the day.
The windows of this attractive 2 storey Pimlico house in Westmoreland Terrace, Pimlico, were window cleaned on the inside and the outside .
The windows of this building, as is the case of many of the windows that Spick and Span window cleaners clean when they work in the Pimlico area were very high up making it necessary to use window cleaning extension poles rather than a conventional window cleaners ladder.
The type of windows that were window cleaned in this Pimlico house were all wooden framed windows, there were sash windows, casement windows and there were also a set of French doors that had the windows cleaned.
The Pimlico window cleaner cleaned windows that were of different shapes and sizes, some having six glass panels and others having eight glass panels. The fanlight window above the front door was also washed.
The windows of this Pimlico property that needed a window cleaner were very dirty, some windows had the appearance of  not being window cleaned for some  time. Most of the windows were window cleaned from the ground using long extension window cleaner poles, but other windows were cleaned from the balconies and by reaching out of the Pimlico property, whilst window cleaning inside.
The window cleaner who was assigned this window cleaning task needed to provide a very professional window cleaner service in Pimlico.
Thorough window cleaning of this Pimlico property was achieved by using professional window cleaning cloths, mops,chemicals and rinsing equipment.
The window cleaner who cleaned this Pimlico home also made sure that he removed his shoes when walking through this property to ensure that he did not make a mess within the home.
This Pimlico window cleaner also went over any marks that were left on the windows with a micro-fibre cloth so as to remove water stains.
The friend who was home whilst the Pimlico window cleaning work took place smiled at the conclusion of the job and commented on the difference the window cleaner had made.
The window cleaning in Pimlico  in all  took around 2 hours to complete from start to finish.

Belgravia Window Cleaning

Eaton Terrace, BelgraviaToday Spick & Span window cleaners were hired to go down to Belgravia SW1W to do window cleaning on a grade II listed 5 bedroom house in Eaton Terrace, Belgravia, for an expectant mother who was soon to give birth. Arrangements were made to coordinate the Belgravia window cleaning through the owners maid, who was the point of contact on the day.

The windows of this very attractive 5 storey Belgravia grade II listed house in Eaton Terrace, Belgravia, had all the windows cleaning done on the outside only. The windows of this  building were very high up making it necessary to use window cleaning extension poles rather than a window cleaners ladder to reach them. The type of windows that were window cleaned in this Eaton Terrace, Belgravia, property were “Georgian-style” wooden framed sash windows. The Belgravia window cleaner cleaned windows that were of different shapes and sizes, some having six glass panels and others having twelve glass panels. The fanlights above the front door was also cleaned. The Belgravia windows were very dirty, some had the appearance of  not being window cleaned for some  time. Most of the windows were window cleaned from the ground using long extension window cleaner poles, but other windows were cleaned from the balconies and rooftops of the Belgravia property.

The window cleaner who was assigned this window cleaning task needed to provide a very professional window cleaner service in Belgravia. Thorough window cleaning of this Belgravia property was achieved by using professional window cleaning cloths, mops,chemicals and rinsing equipment. The window cleaner who cleaned this Belgravia home also made sure that he removed his shoes when walking through this property to ensure that he did not make a mess within the home. This Belgravia window cleaner also went over any marks that were left on the windows with a micro-fibre cloth so as to remove water stains.

Whilst the Belgravia window cleaner cleaned the external windows of the property the maid cleaned the windows on the inside using a domestic window cleaning chemical.The Belgravia cleaning maid smiled as she saw the difference that the window cleaning in Belgravia had made to the windows on the outside of the property.

The window cleaning in Belgravia  in all  took around 2 hours to complete from start to finish.