Mansion house window cleaning in Knightsbridge

Mansion window cleaning Knightsbridge

Today Spick and Span window cleaners went to Knightsbridge and cleaned a large one bedroom flat in a mansion house in SW7, set over ground floor and basement levels. The windows were floor to ceiling type windows, and so required the use of long ladders.The client also required the cleaning of an adjacent guest flat, at basement level.Both properties were cleaned on the inside and out.Because of the clients demanding schedule, arrangements were made through the PA for Spick and Span to come and clean the windows  at a convenient time .

Spick and Span’s window cleaner was welcomed by the house keeper, after showing photo ID, and work began on the outside of the lounge area.The ladder was carefully placed on the decking area outside, after it had been negotiated carefully through the home.The windows were mainly dusty, due to the London Poplar tree seeds that had made contact with the glass , as the property is set next to lovely gardens .This dust was effectively removed, as was the the grime and other dirt, using a high performing window cleaning solution mixed with some water, a micro-fibre window cleaning pad, and window cleaning squeegee.Careful attention was given to paint spots and other blemishes on the windows, and these were successfully removed with a window cleaners scraper. After the casement style windows and french door was cleaned , they were polished using a lint free linen cloth and  residual marks in the corners of the frames were lifted out.

The  basement windows were large sized 2m by 2m panes, these were set around  a bathroom and linking into the bedroom was a french door, which were all  washed similar to the windows on the ground floor.Within the bathroom were six glass mirrors, which were very difficult for the house-keeper to clean, because of their height. Spick and Span window cleaners were able to reach and clean these without the use of a ladder, but with an extension pole.

The guest flat had sash windows with secondary glazing, and another french door.Before these were cleaned the window cleaner made sure to change his water and add some more cleaning chemical.After a brief inspection of the work, the tools were gathered, and the job came to it’s conclusion.

The house-keeper after mentioning how great a task it was to clean the windows of the flat set there in knightsbridge, hoped that we would come again to clean the windows in the future.


Window cleaning charges

Why the variance in window cleaning prices?

Window cleaners prices vary greatly depending on a number of factors, as some may have noticed.But in many cases you get exactly what you pay for.

If you are happy to pay the lowest rates then don’t be too surprised if the end results of the clean leave you wondering why you hadn’t attempted to do the work yourself.

Sloppy workmanship, including the use of dirty rags and water, and an altogether un-professional approach to window cleaning  are ‘the order of the day’ for all who seek simply to pay the lowest rates for window cleaning services.

Such an attitude really is to ‘shoot oneself in the foot’. Why? because, Just as there is a difference between standards of food quality in supermarkets, according to where you shop, there is also a huge  variety of standards, that you should be aware of when it comes to domestic window  cleaning, and choosing a window cleaner.

If you drive down a window cleaner in his price or seek to find a window cleaner who charges the lowest prices in Se22, SE23, and SE24, then be mindful that the way that they approach the work will often be in a negative frame of mind, and this will effect their eventual output.

Might it not be better to use window cleaners in SE22,SE23,SE24 who charge very reasonable rates and prices that are not too high or too low,but who charge the going rate, the average.

Recently Spick and Span window cleaners gave a quote to clean a four storey Neo-Georgian townhouse in Camberwell. The glass of the  house was to be cleaned inside and out as was the conservatory , the price quoted was £100. Later we were informed that within the same week a team of three window cleaners had knocked on the door of the same home in SE5 and provided a quote to clean windows for £50, quite a variance in price.

The householder, thought it over,and concluded that he would accept Spick and Span’s quote, although more. The reason given was that he felt that the price of the competitors was simply too little for the work that would have been  involved, He quite astutely,decided to go with his head .Needless to say he was very satisfied with the clean that  Spick and Span did for him, and he has become a regular customer.

The benefits of using professional window cleaners

Many who look for window cleaners fail to recognise that there are; ‘window cleaners’ and there are ‘professional window cleaners’ , it is important not to confuse the two. A ‘window cleaner’ can potentially be anyone, he or she could be a DIY enthusiast or a person that has a little spare time on their hands or someone who is need of a little spending money, he or she,in less common instances, may have the best of intentions, but because of a lack of experience or the correct equipment, will not be able to deliver the high standard of cleaning that your property deserves. On the other hand ‘professional window cleaners’ who may charge a little more, because of the overheads that they incur, such as tax, insurance,storage costs,and water rates,  the purchasing of professional window cleaning tools ,which when used properly, transform the entire feel of you home, and add to it’s overall beauty.

Professional window cleaners invest in training, are members of trade associations which keep them upto date of all the latest developments and news within the cleaning industry are fully vetted, helping you to feel more secure ,and to have peace of mind when they wonder around your home. Professional window cleaners also have websites, and commnicate effectively, making the window cleaning process one that is stree free.

Parking and travel times

Other factors that affect window cleaning charges are things like parking costs,and  the congestion charges, these considerations should be factored in by your window cleaner when he provides you with a quote.(You may be able to reduce the cost by providing a visitor’s parking permit).Also how quickly he can arrive at your property, and how quickly he can arrive at other jobs after he has finished with you.(You may be able to reduce the cost by arranging with neighbours nearby to have your windows cleaned the same time).

Glass types

The types of glass that you have within your property also makes a difference to how much a window cleaner charges. For instance some types of glass is notoriously time consuming to clean, such as Georgian glass(wooden beams that separate panes), Crittall glass( steel metal framed) or leaded glass (glass with leaded metal strips). Also if you are having the windows of your house cleaned internally, then windows with nicotine stains of thick grease or grime may take longer to clean as they require more vigorous effort and polishing, as will windows that have not been cleaned for over a year.

Make a wise decision

Many window cleaners pack up business after a short period of time because being unable to sustain themselves. Why not select a professional window cleaner who, may cahrge a little more, but one whom you can to know overtime and can rely on to  provide your home with this service

Window cleaning in the rain

Have you ever booked a window cleaner to come by and clean your windows and when the day finally arrived for him to come by, the forecast was rain all day? if so, did you feel like cancelling? Well here are some reasons to think again:

  1. Many window cleaners offer indoor window cleaning , which enables the cleaning of internal windows during heavier spells of rain.
  2. A great number of window cleaners today, use the purified water method of window cleaning, which can even be used to good effect in heavy rain.
  3. Light rain, contrary to common opinion, does not make windows dirty, but rather it is dust and other pollutants.
  4. Windows that are cleaned while it is raining will always look better than windows that have not been cleaned at all.

Today Spick and Span window cleaners went to Camberwell SE5 and cleaned a three bedroom Victorian terrace. Upon arriving the heavens darkened and rain began to pierce the sky. Despite the shower ,Spick and Span window cleaners continued with the work at the request of the Landlord of the property, who was preparing the home to receive some new tenant. First of all, the windows were cleaned at the front of the property, There were two bay windows and  a single sash window which were cleaned with a n abrasive window cleaning pad and squeegee, despite the rain that had fallen the results of the clean were very satisfactory.Moving round to the back of the home, there was a set of french doors three sash windows and a casement window in the bathroom which were cleaned. One of the sash windows had some thick grease on which was scraped off.After all the windows were washed on the outside Spick and Span windows cleaners repeated the cleaning process in all the rooms on the inside of the house taking care not to splash water on the carpets. After an inspection of the work on it’s completion it was noted despite the shower windows all looked very clean.

The rain continued to persist throughout the day, nevertheless another booking was confirmed close by in SE15, a property similar the the first although this time the request was that it be cleaned just on the exterior. the reason given for the cleaning was that the property was to be viewed by an estate agent. The front bay window had some water marks which were removed by limescale remover before being washed and rinsed.

Window cleaning without making a mess

If you have requested a domestic window cleaner to come and carry out window cleaning services for you internally, then the last thing that you want is a window cleaner to make more mess than before he had started, by splashing water from a bucket on your carpet or walls.That is why it is often best to find a recommended window cleaner, one that you can trust.Spick and Span are recommended window cleaners in  East Dulwich and other areas, where you can read genuine comments of others,  regarding the consideration that is shown around the clients home, in local community forums.

Spick and Span are professional window cleaners who, when in the course of carrying  out internal or external window washing,do so with great care.This they do, by carrying buckets and other hand tools that have the capacity of leaking water, with care through your home.

The water that we use when window cleaning a home is regularly changed, so as to prevent dirt build up, which if coming in contact with window frames or panels or walls within the home can leave muddy streaks.

Spick and Span window cleaners have the practice of placing any buckets that they use within the home on cardboard or waterproof sheets, which prevent soiled buckets from leaving marks on flooring.

To prevent the traipsing of mud through the property when cleaning internal glass, Spick and Span wear either plastic shoe covers or remove footwear altogether.

When cleaning the window panes Spick and Span window cleaners first of all rinse the mop that they use to release excess water, using just the amount required and at the same time prevent water draining down the window onto the surface below, by placing a hand mop which soaks up water after the squeegee is applied.

So clean and effective are our domestic window cleaning work practices that we often clean the  offices and studies of our clients homes without the need to remove papers and documents, which if ever got wet would result in obvious problems.

Any wood chippings or flakes of paint that are loosened through cleaning are also vacuumed, with the householders permission.

When cleaning external windows of the property care is taken in and around flower beds, so as to prevent the destruction of flowers and plants when window cleaning outside the home.

It is always the aim of Spick and Span window cleaners to treat the home-owners property and surroundings with the respect deserved and to ensure that all window cleaning services performed are done without making a mess.

Solar energy panels in East Dulwich

Solar Panels in SE23 (2)

As you look around the landscape of East Dulwich it is noticeable that a number of properties in the area have on top of their roofs solar energy panels to harness the energy from the sun and to provide clean forms of energy.

Whilst good for the environment, solar panels prove a problem for home-lovers as within short amounts of  time they become sullied and dirty damaging the appearance of the homes that they dwell on .Due to the grime and high pollution levels and dust within the city, solar panels provide a big target for dirt of all sorts to lock onto, but not only are they  hazardous to clean, working  off of a ladder, because of their precarious positions, but they also require very thorough and intense scrubbing, which is both time and labour intensive.

Spick and Span window cleaners, while primarily working as window cleaners are able to reach high into the air with their window cleaning equipment, which is equally effective on solar energy panels. The window cleaners use special abrasive brushes on the end of carbon fibre extension poles that can reach solar panels on roofs , giving them the clean that they need so as to maximise their efficiency in converting the suns rays into energy.

Few window cleaners around the East Dulwich area have branched into this avenue of cleaning, but Spick and Span window cleaners have widened out the cleaning services that they offer to keep pace with the current East Dulwich demands.In doing so Spick and Span window cleaning have as their objective the providing of  a good and not too expensive window cleaning service but also add on  services such as solar panel cleaning which are provided at very reasonable rates in the East Dulwich, Dulwich Village and other areas.

Using a very green method of cleaning , Spick and Span window cleaners can clean solar panels in East Dulwich without the use of harmful chemicals, Whether your solar panels are located at the front or back of your property Spick and Span window cleaners have cleaning styles that minimize water leakage and that can suit your needs. Adjustable extension poles allow us to reach panels placed at awkward angles and we can clean them on a one-off or scheduled basis.

If you would like to learn more about whether we can offer solar panel cleaning to you do not hesitate to get in contact so as to discuss your requirements.

Trustworthy window cleaner SE15

Today Spick and Span window cleaners carried out the first phase of  window cleaning in a four storey house in the Camberwell side of Peckham.The home-owners  have been living in the property for six years, but had not found a suitable window cleaner during that time.

When asked why they had chosen to use Spick and Span’s services the reason given was that they had done some thorough research on the web, and read client reviews, which no doubt made them more comfortable in their selection.

On arrival to the job, the window cleaner was shown around the property, but before walking around the home he put over-shoe covers on, which impressed the home -owner, who explained that in past he had a bad experience  with less considerate tradesmen who had traipsed mud through the property, he also seemed impressed, when after the first phase of cleaning was completed, the window cleaner vacuumed up the dried paint/wood chippings that had stripped off of the weather beaten sash windows.

The work done consisted of external and internal glass cleaning, which had to be done from inside the property due to the height of the building, and also building works that were being carried out on the lower ground floor. Some of the sash windows were difficult to open, which meant that some windows had to be cleaned from on top of ledges or flat roofs, with the use of an extension pole, but in the most part the method of cleaning was using a step ladder inside the house and leaning carefully outside the window. In addition to the large pane sash window that were cleaned there was also a french door that was cleaned on the ground floor . The bay window on the ground at the front of the property was first of all scrubbed with a window cleaning detergent and afterwards scraped to remove paint spots from the glass.

During the cleaning process the home-owner regularly checked the how the work was progressing and he was visibly astonished with the difference that window cleaning had made to his property.

Toward the end of the cleaning, arrangements were made to carry out the second phase of window cleaning, which will be the lower ground section of the property,inaccessible at the time due to gardening works .The client also asked about arranging a regular cleaning schedule, as he said that the windows should have been cleaned in the property long ago.

Domestic window cleaning in SE22

Spick and Span window cleaners did a domestic window cleaning job in East Dulwich SE22 today after being contacted by email.The cleaning requirements were that two sash bay windows with multi-paned glass and two casement windows be washed externally and that some paint marks be scraped from the glass.After arriving a brief assessment was made about the best way to get to the windows as a fence outside the property restricted the safe placement of the ladder , therefore it was decided that to minimize the  risk  the windows would be cleaned from inside the flat. In preparation for the work, handles had to be unscrewed from the double glazed reproduction sash windows so that they could easily slide open and allow cleaning from the inside. To ensure that the windows were cleaned to the clients satisfaction a four stage cleaning process was employed. First a damp cloth was used to loosen the dirt, second a glass scraper lifted off paint splashes, third a micro-fibre cloth picked up the loosened remains and finally a linen cloth was used to  polish the glass and remove streaks.This same procedure was used on the other windows within the property. Within a short while the property was again looking neat and attractive with the outside glass dirt and paint free, the only marks that remained on the windows were those  on the inside of the property.

How best can marks on the inside of a window be removed?

Spick and Span window cleaners do provide an internal as well as an external window cleaning service, but if your budget only stretches as far as to have just your outside windows cleaned the answer to the above question may be of interest to you.

Many feel that the best way to clean the windows inside the home is with vinegar and newspaper or to use a popular window cleaning spray from a supermarket, but it has often been observed that these methods do not always bring the desired results.

The first thing you must remember if you are going to clean your windows internally yourself  is  your safety, make sure that whatever you stand on to reach the tops of your windows is sturdy.

To get consistent results with your cleaning use micro-fibre cloths, these can be purchased now in most high streets. lightly soak one of the micro-fibre cloths in warm water and rinse dry. Apply the cloth to the glazed pane, rubbing in either a circular motion or from side to side, being careful to move into the corners, then follow the same motion with a dry micro- fibre cloth. The result should be sparking glass that is streak free.

SE24 window cleaning

Spick and Span window cleaners were working in and around Shakespeare Road in Herne Hill London SE24 today. They began in the early part of the morning cleaning the glass of a three bedroom property. The windows of the period property, which had not been cleaned for over a year were very grubby and therefore were cleaned both externally and internally. On this job Spick and Span used a professional window cleaners ladder and specialised glass cleaning hand tools.The dirt on the window panes was aggravated using a window cleaning detergent and scrubbed with a hand tool while excess water and loosened dirt was directed away from the glass using a channel and rubber. After this window cleaning process the windows were left looking sparkly.

The second window cleaning job of the day was a second storey one bedroom flat that had deeply soiled windows . ladder positioning from outside the property was difficult and so Spick and Span window cleaners  cleaned the glass from inside the property. This was done by raising and lowering the sash windows, and reaching out of the window to wash the glass

Spick and Span next cleaned the windows of a regular client in SE24. The three bedroom converted terrace house is cleaned  approximately once every 3 months. When cleaning the windows of this property care has to be taken in placing the ladder at the front garden so as not to damage the flower bed, also care needs to be taken to avoid the pets inside the house, also as the Homeowner often works from home care is taken to keep noise to the minimum disturbance is caused whilst window cleaning takes place. The property has two storeys at the front and three at the back, there is also a kitchen extension which has bi-fold doors which collect deposits of grease from cooking, these are thoroughly  washed inside and out . The roof-light above the conservatory is also cleaned.

Just a few yards from this property Spick and Span moved on to window clean a three storey townhouse, this properties windows are cleaned both front and back using the pure water method of cleaning. Spick and Span window cleaners use a battery operated trolley that pumps water to the head of a brush connected to extension poles, which is able to access windows on the third storey with ease. Spick and Span washed the dirt clean by agitating the dirt first with the brush and then rinsing off with the purified water,which dries spot free. Lower level glass was cleaned using conventional window cleaning methods.

Spick and Span’s window cleaning in Herne Hill was brought to a close for the day when they finished up cleaning UPVC framed windows of a ground floor flat.

Property window cleaner Nunhead

Today Spick and Span window cleaners went out to Nunhead to prepare a home for the arrival of some new owners. The  2 bedroom property, which  had recently been sold, needed cleaning inside and out so as to be sparkling in preparation of the the new family that will occupy the property in the near future.

Georgian windows cleaned in Camberwell

Today Spick & Span window cleaners went to Camberwell grove to clean the glass of a 5 storey Georgian townhouse. The Georgian glass windows were cleaned both inside and out using traditional methods.